Monday, September 22, 2003

Of all the tropical fruits that a plenty in the Malay archipelagoes, the Durian and the Rambutan still retained it's original Malay name. Durian derive from the Malay word 'duri' with mean thorn, and Rambutan derive from the Malay work 'rambut' which mean hair. Durian is the king of fruits and loved by all, except by some European, it is a very delicious fruit and it smell great, but to those that are not use to the smell of this tasty fruits would find the smell too strong to accept, just like some Asian could not stand the smell of cheese so are some westerner to the smell of the Durian. But once tasted, this delicious fruit would surely overtake the repelling smell to some and would tempt one to have more and more of it. To Asian the smell is what makes the durian so special, it is the smell that bring you to the durian and then to the delicious fruits inside, once the shell of the durian is peel out. At time it would take hard work to peel out the shell/skin but quite so often it is much easier, actually if one know the trick just by looking at the skin among the thorn and tap on the top, one would surely find a line that could be a guide to making the opening's of the durian simple, once it is opened, the paste like fruit some time golden in colour, would surely tempt one to go on eating until, the stomach say ok, ok, stop for the time being, eating during is a slow process, one should eat it slowly and enjoy each fruits and then continue with another one or have a pause and then on continue to enjoy another one, by this process of eating, one would surely enjoy eating this King of the fruits. As for the Rambutan, it is much smaller in size and it is rather juicy and make great dessert. These two fruits have retain it original Malay name and is call by the same name in all the countries all over the world, Like most tropical fruits, it is a seasonal fruits, so one could only find durian and rambutan during certain period of the years. The Durian once tasted, one would yearned for it the next time one sense the smell, that is what this King of Fruits do, makes one to ask for more and more....

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