Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Marathon Coffee @ Coffee Club, Kino...

It all started when I send a note to Thamrong a facebook friend to meet for coffee at KLCC. So yesterday April, 28 at 2.30PM we met. He came with his spouse.  Asmah my spouse could not make it.  Without much ado the threesome sat to get acquaintance. We had been strangers and only known one another in cyberspace through facebook. Over three bowls of hot steamy black coffee [the club served its coffee in bowl instead of cup] we sat to chat as thought we were all close friends. In fact this is the first time we ever met in the real world. We had been discussing and bantering on various subjects on the wall of our facebook. It was the intellectual discussion on facebook that brought about this coffee meeting in person at the Coffee Club @ Kino that day. Like a blogger meet this meeting of facebook folks soon exploded into a marathon of chat on various subjects that comes to our minds. We talk and banter on one subject after another and I do not think we ever stop talking over the whole period we were there except to sip and enjoy that black coffee. There was sure some great chemistry between the three of us. We talk freely about family and other subjects that just pop up as we go on with the chat. With such an atmosphere of frankness and understanding we were too absorbed in our discussion that we lost track of times. Looking at the watch it was 5.30PM and that mean we have been talking there for three hours and it felt just like a few minutes. Indeed a time well spend with such a wonderful couple, the Thamrong whose spouse Azimah is also a blogger. We parted with a promise to meet again. Well folks with this meeting we are strangers no more. The Internet does made things easy for like-minded folks to get to know one another, not only in cybersphere but in the real world as well. Have a nice day.


Pak Idrus said...

Folks, these are comments made at Facebook on this posting:-

Zuhaidie Al-Matdie and Thamrong สมชาย ธำรง like this.

Yap Poh Meng

Ini lah betul orang kaya
Yesterday at 9:07am ·

Idrus Abu Bakar

Yap, we live in the first world and must act like first world folkslah. When you are here next I would take you there.
Yesterday at 9:13am ·

Thamrong สมชาย ธำรง

The story of my left-handed grandma squatting in the semi dark kitchen, two iron bars sitting on two bricks as her proud stove and preparing snakehead fish 'masak lemak cili padi' was hilarious....the eerie rafter 'the Malay called para' blacken with soot is memorable...I read Thomas Friedman ' The World is Flat' from cover to cover for modernity but I just cannot break from my past.
Yesterday at 9:53am ·

Idrus Abu Bakar

Thamrong, no one talk about ' atas para' anymore and the present generation would not understand it at all now. The soot, the practical dapor with the firewood burning, the blowing with bamboo pipe to keep the fire going, the smell of soot and burning woods contributes to the making of the best Ikan panggang or Daging panggang while the Daging Salai above the para slowly matured. Nostalgic indeed.
Yesterday at 10:40am ·

Lias My

all the stories sound very familiar to me ....
Yesterday at 11:55am ·

Idrus Abu Bakar

I think we should get all the Pak Blogger and Pak Facebook for a get-together. I believe it would be truly fun and hilarious. What say you!
Yesterday at 3:12pm ·

Lias My

I thought they already had that sometime back. .... I mean a sort of meeting drinking session ....
But I am sure it will be fun ... 'drinking' or no 'drinking'....
Yesterday at 6:38pm ·

Idrus Abu Bakar

That was a blogger meet of all kinds. What I meant is just the Pak/Makcik blogger and Facebook. Drinking tu up to themlah.
Yesterday at 6:42pm ·

Temuk said...

Salam Pak Idrus
Betullah, strangers are friends that you have yet to meet. Belum jumpa, walau orang asing, sudah pun 'kawan'. Dah jumpa, lagilah akrab. Insya Allah. Kisah pengalaman warga emas di sana sini memang seronok dibaca. Juga utk dijadikan teladan & sempadan, mengikut kesesuaian. Ini banyak ada pada blog Pak Idrus. Terima kasih & have a great weekend!

Pak Idrus said...

Temuk, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. True strangers are friends that we have yet to meet.

With the Internet we get to know strangers but it is not complete until we do meet in the real world. But actually we know the person already and at time we know more of the way the person is thinking since we read most of his or her thoughts, thus gave us the opportunity to understand someone without even meeting that person.

As for me I have always wanted to go one step further by meeting the virtual person in person, like this meeting with the Thamrong. It turn out that this first time meeting turn out to be an exciting meeting of the minds. At the same time we are stranger no more.

Hope that I get to meet you in person in the not too distance future. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Funny that bowl ... it has a handle like a cup!

Pak Idrus said...

Zaharan Razak, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

Ha! Ha! It just cannot be a cup, cause it is so big. It is the size of the normal soup bowl and it has a handle of course, so that we could sip the coffee. The next time you get here I would take you there for coffee.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Ah, but the Thomas Cup is even bigger! Our chances of winning it this month has gone from slim to none what with H1N1 scything down half of our team. Take away the handles from the TC and you'll have to rename it, Thomas Bowl, haha!

Pak Idrus said...

Zaharan Razak, thanks for the return visit. Well, had I call it a big cup, it would surely not draw your attention!.

BTW I have some soup bowl with handle, shall I call it a soup cup. Anyway let get there and enjoy that huge cup of coffee. As for the Thomas Cup, do not blame it on the H1N1. It is the Malaysia Boleh syndromelah.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Well it is up to human inventiveness to add anything to anything ... a bowl with a handle like ears, with a human face, and I saw a bowl in a porcelain collectors' shop with a handle like a basket! Over in my bicycle world, they have added a propeller and wings to make it fly and a canoe to make it move on water!

Now isn't this like a long conversation at Kinoyusho Koffee Koop!

Pak Idrus said...

Zaharan Razak, thanks. When you put just two blogger at a coffee table, the chat would go on and on. Wonderful isn't it how the blogger minds works.

I just cannot go on debating on this subject with a Journalism Sifu like you but it sure is interesting. It does provoke my thinking.

Anyway that description of the cup does attract attention of a Sifu. I am indeed happy with that. BTW how do you call a Cup a Cup!

Take care.

louis said...

Quite a lot of interest in that big cup/bowl with a handle among your readers.

Those vessels are popular here...there's one in my kitchen. They are called "mugs" here although "mugs" are usually imagined as having a shape more like a beer stein. However mugs have morphed into the shape and size of those you were using. Picked up one just the other day for use as a teacup. How's that for complicating a simple word!

Anonymous said...

During the effete era of Catherine the Great of Russia they used to stir storms in a tea cup while the peasants worked up a different storm outside the palace walls. Btw, what is a cup? A cup is a receptacle with a handle and a plate called a saucer used for drinking.

louis said...

Just want to point out to Zaharan that cups do not necessarily have handles. Case in point, bra cups and athletic protectors ;)

Anonymous said...

Ah ha, Louis, I left out the word "usually" for brevity but it seems to have lengthened the discussion further which pleases our good friend Pak Idrus no end I believe ... Hope you're doing fine over in Settle ...

Pak Idrus said...

louis, This guy Zaharan is a Journalism Sifu and it is his job as professional to make news out of simple subject like this story of the bowl/cup.

No wonder we are always at war with each other just because of the misunderstand of using the right word. To me a cup comes with the saucer and it is not a cup if it is without a saucer but now if I ask the present generation to get me a cup from the kitchen, the chance that they would give me a mug. That is what we use in our house for drinking hot drinks.

Anyway with changing time I am as confused on what is a cup, a mug or a bowl with a handle is. But then it is a changing world and it is getting crazy day by day. Folks of our generation have to live with it and just enjoy life.

Thanks to the Sifu Zaharan we are indeed having a gala time just talking about the cup or whatever we want to call it and at the same time enjoying the intellectual discussion.

BTW the happening in New York at time square, I think it is just a dry run.

So now are you going have your cup of tea, in a bowl or a cup or a mug. And I believe that Zaharan is well aware of the bra Cup and of many sizes too!!

Take care.

Pak Idrus said...

Zaharan Razak, thanks for stiring the storm in the cups of black coffee that the threesome had at the Coffee Club at Kino the other day. Had it not been for your bright idea of explaining the different between the cup and the bowl, this posting would not be as interesting as it has become.

Despite the inputs from Louis which includes the bra, I am left as confused as ever with what is actually a cup!. Anyway as you have seen in my house we drink coffee or tea in a mug that we call a cup.

Well, that is life and indeed you have made this posting truly a colorful one. Take care.

H.N. Liew said...

Pak Idrus,

Thanks for sharing your experiences in life. Being a senior citizen and retired I write blogs like you.

If you like to stay healthy and carry on blogging, visit my blogs:


Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
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Pak Idrus said...

Anonymous[9:05 PM] thanks for the visit.

Have a nice day.