Flowers always made me happy. It does not matter what kind, the one that gives wonderful aroma, the one that does not smell at all, the one with such a vibrant color or the one that is just plain. All those flowers to me are just beautiful creation of nature for us to admire and enjoy. Since going into photography some years ago I began to appreciate more and more each flower that I had captured with my camera. I could sit and enjoy that images any time I wanted and still found it to continue to be just as vibrant and beautiful. When I went one more step into photography by using macro lens I found there are more to see and enjoy. An ordinary flower that one see often, when photograph using macro lens became something else, a new image emerged with more detail than ever. And occasionally one get to see tiny insects that one would not see in any ordinary photography. That folks made me understand more of what nature had to offer; a world of colors that are magically beautiful, turning our surrounding into such a wonderful place to enjoy nature. Above is an ordinary flower in my little garden that I took using the macro lens, such a gorgeous little flower. Have a nice day.
The petals are almost transparent. Wonderfu!
louis, thanks for the visit and the good words on the image that I took.
Indeed it look transparent. Only the macro lens could do that. I am enjoy his kind of photography now.
Have a nice day.
that tissue paper like flower is so seducingly beautiful and you really have eyes to captivate it all.
hs, thanks for the visit and the good words on my kind of photography.
I love the greens and its flowers. It it always inspired me one way of the other. By itself that little flower would fades away by evening and I thought that if I photograph it I could continue to watch it and enjoy that little wonder of nature. It does lighten my life.
Have a nice day.
i love flowers too and the beauty of nature can really transcends beyond words when they can be seen through the lenses too!
hs, thanks for the return visit and sharing your thoughts on nature. Yes the lens does gives us the opportunity to see more of what nature had to offer. A world of its own, so amazing and majestic.
BTW from which part of the world are you blogging from. Check you profile but there were hardly any detail.
Take care.
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