That folks is Crabs fried with chilly and eggs. We think it is one of the best ways to enjoy the Crabs. For us there are two ways we would enjoy Crabs. The other way is to make Crab Curry, the same way one cook a Fish Curry. We do not eat Crab often for one thing it is rather expensive and another reason is that Crab is not always available in the market place. Thus we would enjoy it from time to time only. Just last week we managed to get some fresh Crabs and this time my spouse just fried it the way we like it as shown in the image about. With her culinary expertise she got it done perfect. The whole family did enjoy it at the Buka Puasa [iftar] session that evening, to go with that steamy white rice. Have a nice day.
That looks absolutely delicious, Pak Idrus! I like my crabs with some bite too, chillies or curry or pepper. Fresh crabs are not easily available here, so I haven't tried cooking any yet. Most are sold boiled and previously frozen, limiting them to be thawed and steamed for dipping dip in butter sauce. It's a great way to eat the gigantic Alaskan King Crab legs, though.
Selamat Berpuasa!
pak idrus,
you make me hungry-lah haha !!..but for added flavor next time add some santan to the crab dish and serve it just as it boils, don't over cook once the santan is added at the end. some pineapple/nanas would further make it special too !! boleh cicah dgn roti-lah plus crab meat ,,,wow.
capt. chef
Salam Ramadan pak Idrus,
Amboi! sedapnya!..saya juga jarang makan ketam, satu sebab mahal, macam Pak Idrus kata tu, satu lagi, kalau nasib tak baik, terbeli yang tak de isi...berat kulit saja..ha!...ha!
Ketam ni, kalau kat kadai mamak, punya le mahal...:-(
Rita Ho, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. It has been a long time not seeing you in cybersphere and reading you comments. Nice and Welcome back to Blogsphere.
Even here in Malaysian now Crabs are very expensive and most of the big one are taken up by the restaurant already. Anyway we just take it as one of the luxury that we indulged only from time to time. As for cooking that are the two ways we often enjoy the crabs.
Have a nice day and take care.
Capt's Longhouse, thanks for the visit and the good words on the subject of this posting.
I am glad that the image did have some impact of the wonder of our foods on the mind of folks who live distance places. I have always love seafood and I believe you who live on an island have plenty of it, fresh from the sea. Sir I do envy you for living in that enchanting island off the Trengganu coast.
As for cooking crabs, thanks for the tip and we would try it the next time.
Have a nice day.
Pokku, thanks for the visit and good words on this wonderful dish of crabs, Yummy, yes it is Yummy indeed.
Have a nice day.
AuntieYan @ Makcik Blogger, thanks for the visit and the Ramadan greeting, the same to you and hope you are enjoying the Ramadan. Thanks as well for sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting, the Crabs.
Ketam adalah satu satunya makan laut yang mahal, saekor yang kecil dipasar sudah RM5.00, so you can imagine what a big one would cost. For our home we need at least 15 ekor so that everyone especially the grand kids could enjoy as much as they like.
I guess that is why it is rather expensive at the Mamak Restaurant. Anyway we does not take it always, only indulged on it once a while.
Have a nice day and take care.
We hv crabs quite often at my home as my eldest just luv it. Last week we bought 3 kgs of huge mud crabs (RM84) & cooked spicy crabs. I've taken the pic in FB.
Pak Idrus
Saya selalu teruja dgn ketam. Tapi (kesian!) dah setengah tahun tak beli, sbb tiap kali nak beli, hati kata baik beli ikan salmon. Ketam yg ada pun selalu kurus, kaki/sepit dah patah2, & RMnya sentiasa tinggi.
Sheela Jayaraj, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Indeed one of the delicacy that we share. It is difficult to get mud crabs here and I am still lost as where to get it.
When I was growing up in Kuantan we would go to the river and catch those mud crabs and it does taste grade. In fact to me mud crabs taste better then its cousin from the sea.
Hope that you could made it to my open house for the KVK members this year.
Have a nice day.
Temuk, thanks for the visit and sharing your thought on the subject of this posting.
Yes susah nak dapat ketam yang besar dan fresh. So I normally order from the China man that sell fish regularly to the house and he would get the fresh one always. Well, it is a delicacy that we could not afford to enjoy often, so it is only once a while treat to the whole family.
As for Salmon, I would go to Ikea to enjoy it and the roasted Salmon there is good and the price is rather cheap for such a good food.
Masa kecil kecil dulu we all went to catch the ketam at the Sungei Ular in Kuantan. It was fun and the catch was normally good.
Have a nice day.
yes indeed, the best food are those caught and cooked by oneself !!...pls don't eat yr hearts out but that's the extra special pleasure for an islander Hahaha !!
Maaf Zahir Batin,,,Selamat Hari Raya from Kapas yaa.
Sheela Jayaraj has left a new comment on your post "Delicious Crabs @ Buka Puasa...":
Dear Pak Idrus,
Thxs so much for the Raya invite but we regretfully wont be able to make it as we have so many Klang Raya open houses to attend. Anyway we will drop by one of these days when we visit my parents place in Setapak (will call in advance though) as we had a wonderful time at ur place last year.
Take care & our luv & regards to aunty
Capt's Longhouse, thanks you Sir for the return visit and sharing your thoughts on this subject.
When I was growing up in Kuantan in the forties and fifties we used to look for crabs at the many rivers in and around Kuantan. There was not a place that we would not go camping and crabs is one of the food that we would get fresh at the campsite near a river or at the foot of Bukit Pelindong. There was no island though near Kuantan so we missed that part of the excitment. And you are enjoying it to the fullest now, an envy of many incuding me.
Selamat Hari Raya to you too and do have a nice day.
Sheela Jayaraj[because of some computer glitch I had to copy and paste your comment]
Anyway thanks for the return visit. It is alright we understand. Go ahead and enjoy the raya in Kelang. Our house is always open to you folks any time, so do let us know when you are coming.
Have a nice day.
Definitely made to make my mouth water...time to come home soon.
svllee, Steven thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting.
I am indeed glad that image does have effect on those living in faraway land. It is the races that made the Malaysian that influences our dishes and enjoying crabs the way Malaysian does is one of the many.
Have a nice day and take care.
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
Anonymous,[12:53AM] thanks for the visit and the good words on my kind of blogging.
Have a nice day.
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