Wednesday, September 19, 2007

That little bird again..

I never like to see bird in cage. It is cruel to keep such a lovely work of nature caged. Birds are created for us to enjoy the beauty of flying. To me if we create the right environment this little wonder would just come and go as it pleased and in those beautiful moments in times we would get to enjoy its grace and beauty in its natural form. I had nurtured my little garden to look as real as the one in the wild and it do works to attract all kind of birds and little animals and insects to made it their home. Or at least their garden as well. The flora and fauna that grows well in such environment complete the eco system. These in return gave us the luxury of having a paradise of a sort in our own backyard. In my garden a small brown squirrel do come from time to time to get its meal of cut apples that I had placed on a small plate. I have yet to get a snap of it but like the bird I believed that one of these days I would get that opportunity. The little bird that is in the above image seem to love the colorful banana tree that are in my garden. Every morning it would come and have it breakfast of the nectar. Giving me to enjoy its presence, adding color to the already colorful day. Enjoy.


Unknown said...

Lovely shot Pak Idrus. I enjoy feeding the birds outside my kitchen window too. I always have a 5 pound bird seed bag in my kitchen. Every morning I feed them before I leave for work.
What are you having for bukak puasa?

Anonymous said...

The goldfinches like the sunflowers growing outside the windows on the south side of my house.

Hanafi Mohd Noor said...

Alahai, because I live in a condo, I am deprived to nature beauties.
Selamat berbuka ..

Pak Idrus said...

lynn, thanks for the visit. Well, I think it of the same kind, a very little bird indeed. Have a nice day.

Pak Idrus said...

hanafi, thanks for the visit. I am glad that you enjoy the image. As for condo living, surely you all could gang up to create a jungle at one corner of your ground floor and watch nature at its best. Have a nice day.

Pak Idrus said...

ana, thanks fro the visit and your story with the birds. When I was living in the US, I used to do just that with birds and squirrel but here they are all not that friendly. All the times afraid of the human, well it might change in due course. As for the buka puasa, I just eat whatever Nenek put on the table, nothing special. Have a nice day.

Pak Zawi said...

Pak Idrus,
Thanks for the posting about the birds. Now I am beginning to appreciate the birds that came to lay their eggs in a nest made among the foliage of my garden plants.
Nature is something we always take it for granted. How lucky we are to be living close to them.
Since I love to read your postings, please allow me to put your site on my blog roll.

Pak Idrus said...

zawi, thanks for the visit and appreciate you thought on this subject which is so dear to me. I love nature and its inhabitants. It is part of us for without them this world of ours would be a really dull place to live. Thanks for blog rolled me. Have a nice day and take care.